Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My first completed DIY project!

  I'm awesome at starting projects, like I really kick some project starting booty. Finishing not so much. I have a drawer full of beeswax and coconut oil from a lotion bar project, boxes full of scrapbooking paper, loads of paint, spools upon spools of ribbon, knitting needles I've yet learned to use...this list could go on and on.

However one of these things actually came in handy tonight. Something I've seen on a few blogs are "Will you be my..." cards. I dug out a pack of scrapbook paper I've never used (I hate using expensive things though I've had it for years! For some reason I always think a better reason will come up!) and came up with these:


I'm very excited about this because they were super quick to make and used materials I already had in my possession. So cost out of wedding budget = $0! 

I'm thinking of doing mismatched invitations just because I have so many materials but I somehow doubt Phil would go for that!  I'm so glad just to have started and finished a project in one night! 

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